Fandango: ‘Captain America: Civil War’ Becomes Top Superhero Pre-Seller In Company History

Their official press release:


“Civil War” Breaks New Record and Now Ranks as Fandango’s Top Pre-Selling Superhero Movie of All Time, Overtaking “Batman v Superman,” “Avengers: Age of Ultron” and “The Avengers”

LOS ANGELES – May 3, 2016 – Marvel’s “Captain America: Civil War” is storming to the top of Fandango’s Fanticipation movie buzz indicator with a rare perfect score of 100 out of 100 points, representing more than 90% of Fandango’s weekend ticket sales.

“Civil War” has generated record-breaking advance ticket sales, now ranking as Fandango’s #1 pre-selling superhero movie of all time, surpassing “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” “Avengers: Age of Ultron” and “The Avengers.”

“With an ‘Avengers’-sized ensemble cast, stellar advance reviews, the introduction of a new ‘Spider-Man’ and new characters like ‘Black Panther,” the widespread anticipation for Thursday night’s debut of ‘Captain America: Civil War’ is massive,” says Fandango Managing Editor Erik Davis. “Already hailed as Marvel’s best movie yet, Cap and ‘friends’ can add a new notch in their belts with more advance tickets sold for ‘Civil War’ than for any other superhero movie in Fandango’s 16-year history.”

According to a survey of more than 1,000 “Captain America: Civil War” fans on Fandango:

  • 92% have seen all of the previous Marvel films starring Chris Evans as Captain America;
  • 87% are intrigued by Spider-Man’s presence alongside the Marvel Cinematic Universe heroes for the first time;
  • 85% are excited to see Chadwick Boseman’s debut as Black Panther;
  • 68% plan to see “Captain America: Civil War” multiple times in the theater;
  • 65% claim the positive reviews from critics have increased their excitement  to see the movie;
  • 48% chose Black Widow as the Avenger they’d most want to see in a standalone movie (for a character that doesn’t have one yet).

About Fanticipation       

Known for having its finger on the pulse of moviegoers, Fandango’s movie buzz indicator, Fanticipation, provides statistical insight into the movies fans are planning to see in a given weekend. Fanticipation scores (based on a 1 to 100-point scale) are calculated via an algorithm of Fandango’s advance ticket sales, website and mobile traffic, and social media engagement.  Fanticipation is not intended as a forecast of the weekend box office; it is a snapshot of movie fan sentiment. Fandango is the nation’s leading digital destination for moviegoers and fans with more than 49 million unique visitors per month.*

*According to comScore.

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