Marcus Theatres has announced that its loyalty program, Magical Movie Rewards, has reached five million members. Loyalty members receive one point for every dollar spent and earn a $5 reward for every 100 points accumulated. Members also benefit by having online ticketing fees waived and receive exclusive offers. Marcus Theatres reports that loyalty members make up 46% of the company’s overall attendance, visiting an average of four times per year. The company also reports that Magical Movie Rewards members account for 62% of online ticket sales.
“The Magical Movie Rewards program is one of our strongest channels to learn about our moviegoers’ expectations and preferences,” said Mark Gramz, president of Marcus Theatres. “We provide what we believe will be of interest and value to our members, which creates a relationship and can lead to increased business. Welcoming our five millionth member confirms the continued interest in the program.”
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