Disney’s Guardians of the Galaxy took $22.91 million over the four-day frame to lead the box office for a second straight weekend. In the process, the blockbuster sci-fi superhero adaptation from Marvel became the highest grossing release of 2014 thus far domestically. Guardians of the Galaxy has grossed a tremendous $281.20 million through 32 days of release and will continue to distance itself from the $259.77 million take of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Over the four-day frame, Guardians of the Galaxy was up an impressive 29 percent over last weekend’s three-day frame. The film grossed $17.08 million over the three-day frame this weekend.
While it didn’t have the greatest hold this weekend by Labor Day weekend standards, Paramount’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles still held steady in second place over the four-day frame with $15.62 million. The successful franchise re-launch was down 7 percent from last weekend’s three-day frame. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles continues to exceed expectations in a very big way with a 25-day take of $166.28 million. The film took in $11.92 million over the three-day frame.
Warner’s If I Stay claimed third place with a four-day take of $11.77 million. That represented a respectable 25 percent decline from last weekend. If I Stay continues to perform towards the lower end of expectations with $32.33 million in eleven days. The film is performing well given its modest price tag and is running 21.5 percent ahead of the $26.62 million eleven-day take of last year’s Carrie. The film grossed $9.31 million over the three-day frame.
Universal’s As Above/So Below debuted in fifth place over the four-day frame with $10.28 million. The low-budget horror film opened on the low end of pre-release expectations. As Above/So Below performed similarly to 2011’s Apollo 18, which debuted with a $10.71 million 4-day Labor Day weekend take. As Above/So Below received a lackluster C- rating on CinemaScore and will likely be front-loaded going forward due in part to its genre. The film took in $8.63 million over the three-day weekend.
The November Man opened in sixth with a four-day take of $10.11 million. There is a history of new films aimed at adults over-performing during Labor Day weekend, but Relativity’s action thriller starring Pierce Brosnan opened in line with expectations. The six-day total for The November Man stands at $11.79 million. That places The November Man 20 percent behind the $14.75 million six-day start of 2011’s The Debt. The film received a respectable B+ rating on CinemaScore. The November Man grossed $7.91 million over the three-day weekend.
Let’s Be Cops placed in fourth with a four-day gross of $10.37 million. Fox’s low-budget action comedy was down a solid 4 percent from last weekend. Let’s Be Cops surpassed the $50 million mark this weekend and is now on the verge of reaching the $60 million mark with a 20-day take of $59.49 million. The film took in $8.29 million over the three-day frame.
On the limited front, Cantinflas was off to a solid start with a four-day take of $3.36 million. The biopic from Lionsgate and Pantelion earned a healthy per-location average of $8,791 from 382 locations. Cantinflas grossed $2.66 million over the three-day frame.
Meanwhile, Sony’s re-issue of Ghostbusters grossed $2.31 million over the four-day frame from 784 locations. The re-issue of the 1984 blockbuster took in $1.76 million over the three-day weekend.
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