Paramount’s Interstellar took in $0.801 million on Thursday from its limited engagement launch in 249 locations. That technically placed the highly anticipated Christopher Nolan directed sci-fi film in second for the day, but it should be noted that the reported figure does not include grosses from evening shows once the film expanded into wide release. The film grossed an estimated $2.7 million from late night shows, which will be counted towards Friday’s opening day performance. Interstellar has grossed $2.15 million in two days from its limited engagement launch. That figure stands at $4.85 million when including last night’s late shows.
Sony’s Fury was up two spots from Wednesday to claim first place on Thursday with $0.82 million. The World War II film starring Brad Pitt was down 4 percent from Wednesday and down just 26 percent from last Thursday. Fury placed in third for the week with $12.43 million. That was down 32 percent from the previous frame and brings the film’s three-week total to $63.77 million.
Open Road’s Nightcrawler was down one spot and a sharp 13 percent from Wednesday to land in third with $0.75 million. While the critically acclaimed crime thriller starring Jake Gyllenhaal finished in a close second over the past weekend, it was able to lead the week as a whole with a seven-day launch of $14.24 million. That was in line with expectations and was 22 percent below the $18.17 million seven-day start of 2012’s End of Watch.
Fox’s Gone Girl was up one spot from Wednesday to place in fourth with $0.73 million. The critically acclaimed David Fincher directed film was up 1 percent over Wednesday and down a very healthy 18 percent from last Thursday. Gone Girl claimed fourth place for the week with $11.53 million. That was down just 22 percent from the previous week and brings the film’s five-week total to a very impressive $139.33 million.
Lionsgate’s John Wick and The Weinstein Company’s St. Vincent followed in fifth and sixth place with respective daily grosses of $0.633 million and $0.627 million. The two films were separated by just $6,134 for the day. John Wick claimed fifth place for the week with $11.13 million, while St. Vincent placed in seventh for the frame with $9.87 million. Both films are having solid runs thus far with respective total grosses of $30.67 million for John Wick and $21.65 million for St. Vincent.
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