Onsite Warranty Service to Be Included with Every New Christie Cinema Projector Purchase


CYPRESS, Calif. April 4, 2019 – Christie® announced today it will include Onsite Christie Warranty Repair Service, which will be coupled with 24/7 Christie Helpdesk and Critical Inventory Logistics support on all new lamp and RGB pure laser cinema projector sales in the continental United States.

“Since the introduction of the Series 2, Christie has secured an enviable reputation for the reliability of our cinema projectors. This allows Christie to offer additional support and protection for investors who purchase our cinema systems,” said Susie Beiersdorf, VP of Sales, Cinema – Americas. “Christie has offered 24/7 service desk support, fast access to critical spares, and on-site support for decades. Now that support comes as standard for all new cinema projector sales.”

At present, these services are available only in the continental United States with other territories under review.

“Depending upon customer response and a review of costs (now underway), we may be able to extend this offer to offshore locations,” added Beiersdorf.

For further information on this offer, interested purchasers should check with their Christie sales representative or any of Christie’s valued business partners.

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