Pixar Animation Studios’ Elemental has been mastered in 4K theatrical High Dynamic Range (HDR) content available exclusively on the cinema LED screen Samsung Onyx, Samsung Electronics announced. Samsung Onyx is an LED screen that is Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI)-certified for theatrical exhibition. Starting with Elemental, Pixar plans to continue mastering 4K HDR content for Samsung Onyx to ensure the film is viewed the way creators intended for the best possible viewer experience. Starting with the company’s first cinema LED screen at Lotte Cinema World Tower, Seoul in July 2017, Samsung has now supplied Onyx screens to 120 movie theaters around the world.
“Pixar is known for pushing the boundaries of both technology and art, continuing that legacy with our latest film, Elemental,” said Dominic Glynn, the senior scientist at Pixar. “With Onyx, Samsung has taken a bold leap forward, deploying extraordinary technology at a scale that enables a compelling step-change in cinema image quality. For the first time, audiences will be able to experience our highest brightness, rich, detailed HDR imagery on large, sharp cinema screens that showcase Pixar’s most ambitious work to date. HDR cinema delivers a genuinely fresh visual experience to our global audiences, and the filmmaking teams at Pixar are excited to share this unique version of Elemental with the world.”
“With Pixar’s new movie, we present 4K HDR content exclusively on cinema LEDs for the first time in the industry,” said Hoon Chung, the executive vice president of visual display business at Samsung Electronics. “We will continue to actively expand partnerships in the movie industry based on our leading LED technology innovation that expresses accurate image quality and vivid colors not available anywhere else.”
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