QSC Releases DPM Manager Software 3.0


Costa Mesa, Calif. – June 17, 2019: QSC announced the addition of DPM Director as part of the latest release of DPM Manager™ Software 3.0. The iPhone application, available first with an Android version to follow, allows technicians to control and monitor with ease. Further enhancements to the software include improved workflow and new Intrinsic Correction settings.

“We developed the software with theater managers and technicians in mind, from the challenges they face to everyday theater operations. One of the priorities was to enhance the control and monitoring features, and DPM Director was the solution,” says Laura Mercs, senior technical director. “Theater management and technicians are now able to view the status of their DPM processor/monitor or DCM crossover/monitor and control volume, and mute or preset directly from their laptop, tablet, or mobile device browser.”

Workflow additions include streamlined transitions between Design and Live modes, and the ability to clone configurations from one DPM to another for quick swap-out of designs.

For more information on DPM Manager™ and to download the latest software, go to:


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