America’s oldest operating drive-in movie theater is hosting holiday-themed matinees throughout the month of December. Matthew McClanahan and Lauren McChesney, owners of Shankweiler’s Drive-In Theatre in Orefield, Pennsylvania, have announced the historic theater will be hosting holiday matinees on Sundays in December, taking advantage of winter’s early sunsets to begin movies earlier in evening.
After the success of its first matinee in December 2022, Shankweiler’s has decided to host these early events for the first four Sundays in December. Its first matinee will be on December 3rd, with the first feature beginning at 5:00 PM. The movies that night will include the Rankin/Bass animated television specials “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and “Frosty the Snowman”, followed by a screening of the holiday favorite Elf. Santa will be on-site to take photos with guests. Admission is $20 per carload and can be purchased online or at the gate.
The event will be held on Sunday, December 3. Gates will open at 3:30 PM. Movies will begin at 5:00 PM. Subsequent matinees will be held on December 10, 17, and 24, with programming to be announced on the company’s website and social media. Tickets for the event can be purchased on the company’s website or in-person at the box office night-of-show.
“Staying open through the winter allows us to host this fun, unique event,” says McClanahan. “Not everyone is able to stay up late enough to enjoy the drive-in experience during the summer. The early showtimes for this event make it more accessible.”
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