BENXI, China – (August25, 2017) – Christie®, a leader in creating and delivering the world’s best visual and audio experiences, is pleased to announce that Xinshidai MZC Cinema has chosen Christie Vive Audio™ to deliver outstanding immersive audio to movie-goers.
Located in Benxi, in China’s Liaoning Province, the recently opened 700-seat cineplex consists of five halls, including a Dolby® Atmos® certified flagship auditorium in Hall 2, as well as a specially configured VIP auditorium that offers a premium movie-going experience. This is the first cinema complex in China’s northeastern region to be equipped with Christie’s cinema audio solution that combines planar ribbon drivers, line array speaker design and Class D amplification to provide an unmatched cinema sound experience.

“We are delighted to have Christie Vive Audio™ fitted in our flagship auditorium of this cineplex, which is the most modern and luxurious theater in the entire northeastern region of China,” said Kexin Zhang, Manager, Xinshidai MZC Cinema. “Christie Vive Audio™ has established an impeccable track record of delivering highly realistic and immersive audio to cinemas around the world, and we are confident that our audiences will be mesmerized by the rich, dynamic and detailed sound quality that fills this auditorium.”
Jianhua Hu, Project Engineer, Xinshidai MZC Cinema, shares the same sentiments, remarking that “Christie Vive Audio™’s robust system design and capability to unleash the full potential of digital cinema are the main reasons why we decided to install these systems in our Dolby® Atmos® certified flagship auditorium fitted with 49 LA Series speakers. Christie’s unique ribbon driver technology is superb in delivering a spectacular cinema sound experience compared to other cinema audio products, and you must hear it to believe it. The sound quality is just awesome!”
The Christie Vive Audio™ components installed in Hall 2 include the LA Series line array for screen, surround, and ceiling surround loudspeakers that can be configured to support all DCI-specified distributed and immersive audio formats. In addition, the auditorium is fitted with S215 subwoofers for bass management and S218 subwoofers for low frequency effect (LFE), as well as CDA3 and CDA7.5 Class D amplifiers. The end result is highly immersive cinema sound known for delivering exceptional power and performance.

Cinema-goers who attended the screenings of the Chinese historical film, The Founding of an Army, applauded Xinshidai MZC Cinema for offering a highly immersive movie-listening experience with clear and discrete sounds from various directions. As one member of the audience commented, “I came all the way from Shenyang to catch this movie in the flagship Hall 2 auditorium and I’m very impressed. The sound effects are very realistic and in my opinion, the overall audio experience is better than the movie theaters in Shenyang.”
Besides the Vive Audio™ system deployed in its flagship auditorium, the other four halls in Xinshidai MZC Cinema have deployed the Christie CP2208 digital cinema projector, which takes superior performance coupled with flexibility and affordability to a new level. Ideal for screens up to 35 feet, the DCI-compliant CP2208 is capable of displaying 3D, High Frame Rate (HFR), alternative and local content, providing a versatile and reliable platform that offers an attractive total cost of ownership.
Jason Pei, Deputy General Manager, Christie China, commented, “I’m heartened that the Christie Vive Audio™ system installed in Xinshidai MZC Cinema has delivered an outstanding cinematic experience to movie audiences in Benxi and other parts of Liaoning Province. Our cutting-edge, cinema specific audiovisual solutions, such as Christie Vive Audio™, have played a crucial role in providing high quality entertainment to audiences. As a trusted supplier of cinema solutions to a number of leading exhibitors around the world, we are pleased that our Vive Audio™ and CP2208 projectors can continue to meet the needs of Xinshidai MZC Cinema, and help increase their box office revenues.”
Earlier this year, MZC Quanjing Cinema became the first cinema complex in China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to be fully equipped with Christie’s premium cinema sound solution in all of its eight auditoriums. Christie Vive Audio™ provides a hyper-accurate audio experience and unlocks the full dynamic range of the DCI digital cinema audio and is compatible with the leading immersive and surround audio formats in the market. The complete solution deploys unique ribbon driver technology in a single-enclosure line array design, purpose-built for cinema environments. Christie Vive Audio™ system continues to establish its reputation worldwide as the next standard in immersive sound for cinema.
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