After vying in a statewide competition among Indiana’s professional brewers, Flix Brewhouse in Carmel walked away with the top recognition. A dine-in cinema where craft beer is brewed onsite, Flix Brewhouse was award both the 2019 Indiana Brewery of the Year and the 2019 Grand Champion Brewery of the Year distinctions by the Indiana State Fair. On the way to the number one spot, the brewhouse landed on the Brewers’ Cup podium in several individual lager, bock, hybrid beer, ale and IPA categories.
Announced on July 13, 2019 at the Indiana Farmer’s Coliseum, the results of the craft beer competition came after a weekend of intense beer tasting and judging. The occasion marked the 21stannual running of the Brewer’s Cup. According to a press release issued by the Indiana State Fair, “the Indiana Brewers’ Cup has solidified its place as one of the nation’s largest competitions to feature home and professional brewers. Professional brewers had 33 possible divisions to enter.”
Among those divisions, Flix Brewhouse placed first in the European amber lager and the Scottish and Irish ale categories and finished second in the bock, light hybrid beer, American IPA, and Belgian and French ale. America’s Cinema Brewery®, as the company is known, also took a third-place finish in the Belgian and French ale division.
“Given how prestigious the Indiana Brewers’ Cup is and how fierce our competition was, we are extremely proud to have landed in the coveted top spot,” explains Greg Johnson, Director of Sales & Marketing at Flix Brewhouse. The event not only attracts brewers from across the state of Indiana but also draws in competitors from across the country.
The Indiana State Fair & Events Center’s Programming and Events manager, Haley Lamp, describes the Grand Champion Brewery of the Year competition as bringing the “brewing community together in one location. We host this Brewers’ Cup to show our appreciation of the brewing community and to share the winning beer with the fairgoers.”
These are sentiments Flix Brewhouse echoes in its own mission. “Flix Brewhouse is all about bringing family and friends together to enjoy a great movie, a chef-inspired meal or snack and/or – now – a state championship craft beer brewed directly onsite.” Guests at the Carmel location of Flix Brewhouse can actually see the brewery from outside of Flix and from inside the pub.
Craft brew lovers who want to want to taste what sets Flix Brewhouse apart from the Indiana State Fair competition and to discover what has earned it the 2019 Indiana Brewery of the Year and 2019 Grand Champion Brewery of the Year titles can learn more about the company online at
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