GDC Technology Announces Immersive Audio Bitstream Support for Its Media Servers

Image Courtesy of GDC Technology

GDC Technology Limited (‘GDC’) announced Monday that DTS, Inc. has successfully tested and approved the company’s solution for its media servers to support DTS:X for the new SMPTE’s ST 2098-2 immersive audio bitstream (IAB) standard.

The IAB standard delivers a single interoperable audio format for theatrical distribution. All existing DTS:X screens in Hong Kong and Singapore have been upgraded to support DTS:X for IAB. The existing DTS:X screens worldwide will be transitioned to DTS:X for IAB over the next several months.

DTS is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xperi Holding Corporation.

In August 2021, GDC introduced new media servers with the built-in cinema audio processor option based on the architecture of the SGS-certified SR-1000 IMB. It can play back the filmmaker’s audio and visual intent by featuring DTS:X for IAB object-based audio, with 16 channels, 24 channels, or 32 channels of audio output.

“DTS is an important partner to GDC,” GDC Technology Limited’s founder, chairman, and CEO Man-Nang Chong said in a press release. “The transition from proprietary sound formats to the IAB standard is a giant leap forward for the cinema industry. Producing media servers with DTS:X for IAB rendering up to 32 channels represents is another milestone in the pursuit of offering our customers a complete immersive sound solution.” 

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Image Courtesy of GDC Technology

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