GDC Technology Limited (‘GDC’) announced Monday that DTS, Inc. has successfully tested and approved the company’s solution for its media servers to support DTS:X for the new SMPTE’s ST 2098-2 immersive audio bitstream (IAB) standard.
The IAB standard delivers a single interoperable audio format for theatrical distribution. All existing DTS:X screens in Hong Kong and Singapore have been upgraded to support DTS:X for IAB. The existing DTS:X screens worldwide will be transitioned to DTS:X for IAB over the next several months.
DTS is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xperi Holding Corporation.
In August 2021, GDC introduced new media servers with the built-in cinema audio processor option based on the architecture of the SGS-certified SR-1000 IMB. It can play back the filmmaker’s audio and visual intent by featuring DTS:X for IAB object-based audio, with 16 channels, 24 channels, or 32 channels of audio output.
“DTS is an important partner to GDC,” GDC Technology Limited’s founder, chairman, and CEO Man-Nang Chong said in a press release. “The transition from proprietary sound formats to the IAB standard is a giant leap forward for the cinema industry. Producing media servers with DTS:X for IAB rendering up to 32 channels represents is another milestone in the pursuit of offering our customers a complete immersive sound solution.”
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