WASHINGTON – The Motion Picture Association of America, Inc. (MPAA) today released its annual Theatrical Market Statistics Report for 2014. The report shows that global box office receipts for all films released around the world reached $36.4 billion in 2014, an increase of 1% over the previous record in 2013.
Growth continued to be driven by a dramatic expansion in the Asia Pacific region, which was up by 12% overall, including China, which jumped 34% and became the first international market to exceed $4 billion in box office ($4.8 billion total). The global growth occurred despite a drop in the U.S./Canada box office, which at $10.4 billion was down 5%.
“In the past few years, more people than ever before around the world are going to their local cinemas to see movies made by filmmakers in the United States and all around the globe,” MPAA Chairman and CEO Senator Chris Dodd said. “This is not just an American story of success, but a worldwide story about the value of craft, creativity and the importance of a story well told. We tell stories that transcend borders and transform individual experiences into shared ones. 2014 was a strong year, and 2015 is starting out tremendously, with box office in the U.S./Canada up 11 percent in the first two months of this year.”
Additionally, the report showed that films released in the U.S./Canada by MPAA member studios increased for the first time in five years, reaching 136 in 2014. Total films and total films released by non-MPAA member studios also increased from 2013 (up 7% and 5%, respectively).
In the U.S. and Canadian marketplace, more than two-thirds of the population (68%) – or 229.7 million people – went to a cinema at least once in 2014, comparable to the previous year. Frequent moviegoers who go to the cinema once a month or more continue to drive the movie industry, accounting for 51% of all tickets sold.
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