Fox’s Deadpool continued to dominate the daily box office on Monday with $4.47 million. The Ryan Reynolds led blockbuster was down 72 percent from Sunday and down 77 percent from last Monday’s inflated Presidents Day take. Deadpool has grossed a massive $241.33 million through eleven days of release. That already makes the film the highest grossing X-Men universe film of all time (without taking into account ticket price inflation) and places the film an extremely impressive 46 percent ahead of the $165.18 million eleven-day take of 2014’s X-Men: Days of Future Past (which had the added advantage of higher priced 3D admissions; something that Deadpool doesn’t have). Deadpool looks to be in terrific shape to comfortably remain in first place over the upcoming weekend.
Risen took second place for the day with $0.909 million. The faith-based film from Sony’s AFFIRM Films label starring Joseph Fiennes declined 73 percent from Sunday’s performance. Risen has grossed $12.71 million through four days of release. That is on the higher end of pre-release expectations and places the film a very healthy 42 percent ahead of the $8.94 million four-day start of fellow AFFIRM Films release When the Game Stands Tall back in 2014. AFFIRM Films releases have a history of displaying strong holding power and Risen will hope to do the same going forward.
The Witch placed in third with $0.715 million. A24’s low-budget R-rated horror film was down 67 percent from Sunday, which represented the day’s strongest daily percentage hold among wide releases. The Witch continues to perform on the high end of expectations (and quite nicely with its low price tag in mind), with a four-day start of $9.52 million. The film is currently running 24 percent ahead of the $7.65 million four-day take of 2013’s You’re Next.
Warner’s How to Be Single claimed fourth place with $0.568 million. The romantic comedy from New Line and MGM featuring Dakota Johnson was down 72 percent from both Sunday and last Monday. The eleven-day total for How to Be Single stands at $32.31 million. That is towards the higher end of expectations and places the film 16 percent ahead of the $27.79 million eleven-day start of 2009’s Confessions of a Shopaholic.
Kung Fu Panda 3 rounded out Monday’s top five with $0.520 million. The 3D computer animated sequel from DreamWorks Animation fell 87 percent from Sunday and an extremely sharp 92 percent from last Monday’s holiday performance. Kung Fu Panda 3 has grossed $117.64 million in 25 days, which places the film 14 percent behind the $137.46 million 25-day take of last year’s Hotel Transylvania 2.
Race followed closely behind in sixth place with $0.501 million. Focus’ Jesse Owens biopic starring Stephan James was down 74 percent from Monday. The four-day total for Race stands at $7.85 million. Race is performing a bit below its modest expectations and 33 percent softer than the $11.74 million four-day start of McFarland, USA over the same week last year.
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