John Wick took in $1.62 million on Tuesday to lead the daily box office for a second consecutive day. The Keanu Reeves led action thriller from Lionsgate was up a solid 25 percent over Monday’s performance. John Wick has grossed $17.34 million in five days, which is on the high end of pre-release expectations. The film is currently running 20.5 percent ahead of the $14.39 million five-day start of 2008’s Street Kings.
Sony’s Fury finished in a very close second with $1.52 million. The World War II film starring Brad Pitt trailed John Wick by $101,800 for the day. Fury was up 28 percent over Monday and down 46 percent from last Tuesday. Fury has grossed $49.11 million in twelve days and is set to surpass the $50 million mark today. The film is currently running 2.5 percent ahead of the $47.89 million twelve-day take of The Monuments Men earlier this year.
Universal’s Ouija held steady in third place with $1.33 million. The low-budget PG-13 horror film from Platinum Dunes was up 27 percent from Monday. Ouija has grossed $22.25 million in five days. That is on the lower end of expectations and places the film 21 percent ahead of the $18.41 million four-day start of last year’s Carrie.
Fox’s Gone Girl grossed $1.10 million to remain in fourth. The critically acclaimed David Fincher directed film starring Ben Affleck was up 26 percent over Monday and down 38 percent from last Tuesday. With a 26-day take of $126.02 million, Gone Girl is on the verge of surpassing the $127.51 million final domestic gross of 2008’s The Curious Case of Benjamin Button to become the highest grossing film of Fincher’s career.
The Weinstein Company’s St. Vincent rounded out the day’s unchanged top five with $0.91 million. The low-budget comedy starring Bill Murray and Melissa McCarthy was up an impressive 46 percent over Monday. Yesterday’s percentage hold could be a good sign for the film going forward. St. Vincent surpassed the $10 million mark yesterday and has grossed $10.41 million to date.
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