Strong/MDI Screen Systems, Inc., a Ballantyne Strong, Inc. company specializing in projection screen manufacturing and optical coating development, announced Monday the release of its HGA ReAct screen, specially designed for adaption to the new generation of high-resolution laser projectors.
The HGA ReAct screen incorporates the benefits of Strong/MDI’s acclaimed Premium HGA screens, now optimized for use with laser projection applications. Engineered for high output projector systems that require superior light diffusion properties, the ReAct offers high quality results with both 2D and passive 3D projection, with one of the highest 3D contrasts in the industry.
“The expertise and experience in our Research and Development team made it possible to develop a new projection screen specially designed to adapt to challenges presented by Full RGB laser projection,” Strong/MDI’s General Manager François Barrette said. “The new ReAct formulation, combined with Strong/MDI’s HP Micro Perforation, provides unprecedented image quality and sharpness, which is far superior to existing screens currently on the market.”
“Strong/MDI’s high-performance screens enjoy a solid reputation among major exhibitors in the industry who demand superior presentation,” Strong/MDI Screen Systems President Ray Boegner said. “The HGA ReAct is no exception and will appeal to all of our customers and exhibitors looking for a premium quality surface.”
Those looking for more information on HGA ReAct or any other product developed by Strong/MDI Screen Systems can contact the sales team by phone at +01 450 755-3795, via email or meet us at CinemaCon, in Las Vegas, from August 24 to 26, 2021 at booth 2401A.
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