Many News Stories Forecasts & Tracking Long Range Forecast: ‘Suicide Squad’, ‘The Founder’ & ‘Nine Lives’ Boxoffice Staff • Jun 10th August is set to start this year with the much anticipated comic book adaptation from Warner Bros. ‘Suicide Squad.’ In its wake Weinstein Company will debut its McDonald’s biographic film The Founder while EuropaCorp will try its hand at the body-switching genre... Load more stories
Forecasts & Tracking Long Range Forecast: ‘Suicide Squad’, ‘The Founder’ & ‘Nine Lives’ Boxoffice Staff • Jun 10th August is set to start this year with the much anticipated comic book adaptation from Warner Bros. ‘Suicide Squad.’ In its wake Weinstein Company will debut its McDonald’s biographic film The Founder while EuropaCorp will try its hand at the body-switching genre...