North Indian cinema chain Wave Cinemas announced on Wednesday the grand opening of Wave Cinemas, Gurgaon, a premium 7-screen multiplex at the M3M Urbana Premium, Sector 67, Gurgaon. This marks the first foray of Wave Cinemas into Gurgaon, which is known as the ‘millennium city of India’.
Designed to offer patrons the ultimate cinematic experience, Wave Cinemas, Gurgaon, has an overall seating capacity of 899 and includes 4K laser projectors with Dolby Atmos audio. It offers premium seating arrangements and a wide selection of food and beverages. The multiplex is also equipped with a Gold Class Lounge designed to provide patrons with a luxurious cinematic experience that includes reclining leather seats and couches.
Rajiv Gupta, the managing director of Wave Group, said, “Modern Indian cinema viewing is more about socializing and an immersive experience where every aspect of comfort is important. All aspects of the experience must be flawless, including top-of-the-line technology, food and snacks, seating, ambience, hygiene, and accessibility. We at Wave Cinemas understand the requirements of today’s evolving customers and have tailored our offerings accordingly. We are excited to offer our patrons the most sophisticated movie viewing experience and hope that our latest offering will cater to every aspiration of our patrons and their families.”
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