Christie has announced a new Cinema Rental program with OrionPC to provide exhibitors in Brazil the option to acquire Christie RGB pure laser projection technology through a service model, at a fraction of the cost of purchasing the new equipment. Cineflix, an exhibitor from Paraná with 125 screens, is the first customer to join the program, with 80 screens.
The Cinema Rental Program is a service model, whereby OrionPC will finance, install, maintain, and repair the equipment using highly trained technicians for the length of the contract. This will allow more time for cinema operators to run and grow their businesses. With the new Christie Rental Program in Brazil, even the smallest exhibitors can benefit from government-sponsored economic programs, such as Recine, with minimal administrative effort, and lastly, exhibitors can open anywhere in Brazil with a simple and easy turn-key contract that can be expanded at the speed of their operations.
Gilmar Leal Santos, a shareholder of the Cineflix Group, said “The model is the most intelligent and versatile today, and was chosen by Cineflix because it makes the most strategic sense for the company both in terms of replacing equipment and in our expansion, which will be aggressive in the next months.”
“We are really honored to have been chosen by Cineflix to start this important new phase of exhibition in Brazil,” says Ricardo Laporta, the regional sales manager of cinema in Brazil. “It makes it even more special to know that we are building this relationship based on trust and focus. I am confident that this exciting journey is just beginning.”
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