As moviegoers across the United States shelter in place inside their homes, millions of essential workers—doctors, nurses, sanitation staff, EMT workers, pharmacists, grocery store workers, teachers, and more—are keeping things going. Showcase Cinemas is paying tribute to those everyday heroes with their “Superheroes Aren’t Just in Movies” campaign, launching today across the chain’s social media channels.
The campaign invites customers to share a photo or video of themselves dressed as their favorite superhero, with the superhero in their own life tagged. In keeping with the need to maintain communication with customers during the shutdown, Showcase is promoting the campaign via e-blasts to its loyalty card, kids card, and subscription member programs, as well as on their website.
“In these challenging times, we have seen that superheroes aren’t just in movies. That’s why we are asking our Showcase fans to show their support for the everyday heroes in their lives by sharing a pic dressed as your favorite movie hero,” said Mark Malinowski, vice president of global marketing at Showcase Cinemas. “We’ll be using the submissions to create a special pre-show trailer that will run in Showcase Cinemas locations nationwide once we open.”
Showcase intends to roll the campaign out to National Amusement’s U.K. locations at a later date. The illustration for the campaign was created by Singaporean artist Josef Lee, who originally created the piece as a tribute to healthcare workers in Wuhan.
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