The sequel to 2018’s animated hit Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has been announced as Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Part One). The announcement was made at Brazil Comic Con on Saturday.
The film will appear exclusively in cinemas on Friday, October 7, 2022.
The film’s writers and producers Phil Lord and Chris Miller told Entertainment Weekly that the film’s “Part Two” would be released in 2023, although that has yet to be confirmed by Sony Pictures itself. For comparison, Warner Bros.’ October sci-fi Dune was stylized as Dune (Part One) on screen at the beginning of the film, but was officially just titled Dune.
Across the Spider-Verse (Part One) also released a teaser trailer, featuring virtually no plot details but showcasing the similar comic book-like animation style pioneered by the original film, depicting the phrase “Part One” as written in graffiti-like font, and portraying Peter Parker getting grounded. Watch the trailer below.
2018’s original was a hit with both the box office, critics, and the masses. It earned $191.4M domestically and $376.7M globally. It won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, the only one of the past nine winners that wasn’t from Disney. (The prior non-Disney winner was Rango in 2012, for the best films of 2011.) And Spider-Verse currently ranks as the #65 rated movie of all time by users on IMDb, also by far the highest-rated Spider-Man film.
From production companies Columbia Pictures, Sony Pictures Animation, and Marvel Studios, and distributed by Sony Pictures, the film starred the voices of Shameik Moore as a biracial version of the titual superhero alias Miles Morales, Hailee Steinfeld as as Gwen Stacy / Spider-Woman, and Mahershala Ali as Miles’ uncle.
The sequel will more prominently feature Oscar Isaac, who voiced “Spider-Man 2099” in a post-credits cameo for the original. In a Sony Pictures press release about the film, Isaac is actually listed before both Moore and Steinfeld in the cast list.
Sony Pictures’ upcoming live-action Spider-Man film, Spider-Man: No Way Home, also appears exclusively in cinemas later this month on Friday, December 17.
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