In advance of the long-anticipated sequel Avatar: The Way of Water (December 16th), James Cameron’s original sci-fi adventure Avatar returns to theaters September 23rd in 4K High Dynamic Range. Released in 2009, the box office record-breaker follows Marine Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) on a mission to the world of Pandora where he becomes torn between following orders and protecting the home of the Na’vi people. The two week limited engagement begins September 23rd.
In 2009, Avatar became the highest-grossing domestic film of all time with $749.7M domestic/$2.8B global. The film went on to win three Oscars, for Best Cinematography, Production Design, and Visual Effects.
Written and directed by Academy Award winner James Cameron, Avatar stars Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldaña, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez and Sigourney Weaver. The film was produced by Cameron and Jon Landau.
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