A pair of announcements this morning shed more light on the trade show schedule over the remainder of 2020. CineAsia 2020, to have been held from December 7-10 in Bangkok, Thailand, has been cancelled by the Film Expo Group. Said FEG in the official announcement, “Given ongoing uncertainty over the Covid-19 pandemic and taking into account travel restrictions by governments as well as employers, we feel this is the prudent decision.”
December 7-10, the dates previously earmarked for CineAsia, will now play host to ShowEast. That event will take place in Miami, as per usual, at the Loews Miami Beach Hotel. Initially, ShowEast was scheduled to take place this year from October 19-22.
Writes Film Expo Group chairman Robert Sunshine in a statement, “ShowEast will be the first live convention for the industry in more than a year. It will be a time to celebrate our business and get us back on the road to the ‘new normal.’ We believe that by moving the dates back nearly two months we can achieve this goal and to continue to support this industry we love.”
CinemaCon 2020 was the first of the major trade shows to be cancelled this year. CineEurope, run by Film Expo Group, held an online conference and trade show on June 17 and 18 in lieu of their typical in-person event in Barcelona. Mid-Atlantic NATO’s Cinema Show and Tell was cancelled in April. In late May, NATO cancelled the year’s four remaining regional trade shows: CinéShow (originally in August in Texas), ShowSouth (originally in September in Georgia), Rocky Mountain Theatre Convention (originally in Montana in September), and the Geneva Convention (originally in Wisconsin in September). The National Association of Concessionaires is still planning to hold their “Refresh, Reopen and Reengage with NAC” conference and trade show from November 10-12 in Dallas, Texas.
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