Nearly three months after cinema advertising sales company Flix Media signed a long-term deal with Unique X to supply Unique X’s cinema advertising platform Advertising Accord to 14 territories in Latin America, the two companies have struck an agreement to do the same in Brazil. With the new deal, Unique X will now be supplying Advertising Accord to all 15 Central and South American territories where Flix operates.
Advertising Accord is a cinema advertising management solution that enables brands “to fully utilise the power of cinema advertising,” according to a press release announcing the deal. The platform runs over 36,000 screens across four continents and creates over 30 million advertising playlists on a weekly basis. Advertising Accord provides an automated workflow for pre-show sales, delivery optimization, inventory management and dynamic scheduling and content delivery. At every location where Advertising Accord is deployed, Unique X’s Movie Transit network for content delivery is also available for pre-show content.
In a statement, Unique X’s Chief Commercial Officer Phil Morris said, “We are really excited to deploy Advertising Accord to the largest cinema advertising market in Latin America and finally complete the deployment of Advertising Accord across all of Flix’s territories. We look forward to a long and prosperous relationship with Flix.”
Adriana Cacace, Flix Media CEO, added, “Investment in technology has always been in FLIX’s DNA. The implementation of the Advertising Accord system in other countries where Flix operates was a great success, raising the quality of image and sound, in addition to the effectiveness of the programming system. We are ready to move forward with this partnership in Brazil, where we have the largest concentration of screens.”
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