Unique X Names Sevan Brown as SVP of Worldwide Content Services


theatrical delivery, software, and services provider Unique X announced fRIDAY the recruitment of Sevan Brown as Senior Vice President of Worldwide Content Services. Serving as part of Unique X’s executive team, Sevan will be leading the ongoing expansion of its already widely-deployed and Movie Transit content delivery platform into multiple new territories.

“We have long admired and respected the ability and reputation of Sevan, and are delighted that he will be joining the Unique X executive team as we continue with the expanded growth of our delivery network worldwide to further increase the market share of our extensive portfolio of cinema software solutions,” Unique X CEO Roger Harris said.

“I’m so excited to be joining Unique X at such a critical time for the film industry,” Sevan commented. “With its leading software and focus on innovation, we have an unrivalled opportunity to deliver films quickly and easily to be seen on the big screen in cinemas worldwide. I can’t wait to work with both content providers and cinema exhibitors as we encourage people back into theatres everywhere.”

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