World Trailer Awards Announces Inaugural Competition

The first-ever World Trailer Awards announced its opening for entries on Tuesday. Awards are open for entry at through October 31, 2021.

The 32 categories include Best Trailer, Best Audio Trailer, Best Poster, Best Motion Poster, Best Story, Best Experiential Marketing, Best Online Advertising, Best Outdoor Advertising, and Best Print Advertising. The awards for those categories will be selected for cinema, television (broadcast and cable), gaming, podcast and radio, streaming services, and social media.

Regional winners for Africa, Asia, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East / North Africa, and North America / Caribbean will be announced in December 2021, followed by the global awards ceremony on February 12-13, 2022 in the Algarve, Portugal.

“We’re thrilled to applaud the vitality and energy of these passionate creators; true artists of their craft who largely go unrecognized in credits but are pivotal in attracting and delivering audiences,” World Trailer Awards Executive Director Evelyn Watters said in a press release. “Turning the spotlight on these global creators is incredibly important to instill a deeper appreciation for their work, enable cross-sector collaborations and open the window for future marketing initiatives and concepts to move the industry forward.” 

Read Boxoffice PRO‘s July interview with Golden Trailer Awards co-founders Evelyn Brady-Watters and Monica Brady here and our rundown of notable winners (with the winning trailers themselves embedded) here.

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